Sunday, January 7, 2018

Burn: Michael Faraday's Candle, by Darcy Pattison

Book description (from the publisher):
Solid wax is somehow changed into light and heat. But how? Travel back in time to December 28, 1848 in London, England to one of the most famous juvenile science Christmas lectures at the Royal Institution. British scientist Michael Faraday (1791-1867) encouraged kids to carefully observe a candle and to try to figure out how it burned. 

Known as one of the best science experimenters ever, Faraday's passion was always to answer the basic questions of science: "What is the cause? Why does it occur?""
A great book for exploring what it means to be a scientist -- all you need is an inquiring mind and a desire to understand the world around you. And, as a bonus, the book contains an experiment which all children can conduct...all you need is a candle!

Visit the Royal Institute's YouTube channel to watch a video on a simple candle experiment you can conduct with children that is sure to spark their curiosity and cause/effect thinking.

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